Composed with the earth in mind.

At OBI Presshouse, we're committed to doing our part in protecting and preserving the planet.

Our plan is designed for progress.

A Green Revolution: Publishing through Apple Books

OBI Presshouse has taken a significant step towards protecting the environment by adopting the use of e-books. By doing so, we are reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to the preservation of the environment. A small contribution to decreasing the destruction of the world’s forests…

Behind every OBI Presshouse story, there is a plan for the environment.

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond just the pages of our publications. Stories published by OBI Presshouse about endangered animals from all parts of the world are composed to educate and inspire the next generation on wildlife threats and inspire preservation and protection practices.

That’s our plan.

Proof in the products.

We use sustainable materials and responsibly sourced paper in our publications, and have implemented eco-friendly practices throughout our operations.